Media section is getting ready for documenting the upcoming Photomonth activities.
Tuesday evening a small group of volunteers gathered in Food & People for a short meeting with our photoboss Tomasz. We went through a few tips and tricks on how to best document the exhibition openings and talks. Looking at photos from previous events helped to better understand what is expected of us. We exchanged ideas on how to catch the right moment that tells a story, shows an action, and entertains the viewer, so we need to be as creative as the artists, whose works are exhibited.
Our section is here to document what is going on during the Photomonth, but not only that. We also have the responsibility of representing the Photomonth, as our photos will be the main evidence from these events; they will be published on social media and the press. That’s why we are all determined to do the best job possible.
Overall, it’s quite a funny thing when you think about it – we’re here to take photos of people looking at photos. However, our meeting really inspired me to try my best and I can’t wait for the fun to begin!
tekst: Guna Belicka
zdjęcia: Liudmyla Radyk