Słowo wstępne:
Czas festiwalowy nieuchronnie dobiega końca, gros wydarzeń za nami, ogrom pracy wykonany. Dla jednych niezwykle wymagającej, a już na pewno dającej nowe umiejętności. Dla niektórych był to również niesamowicie twórczy miesiąc. Szereg wolontariuszy dokumentowało wydarzenia MFK. Byli to Ci, dla których fotografia jest narzędziem ekspresji i, odważę się na takie stwierdzenie: pasją życiową Poprosiłam jednego z fotografujących wolontariuszy o podzielenie się swoją historią związaną z fotografią oraz najnowszymi pracami. Mowa o Alessandro, którego głównym celem przyjazdu do Krakowa był właśnie Miesiąc Fotografii. Czy rozpoznajecie ujęte na zdjęciach miejsca?
Aleksandra Jaszczyk
I’m Alessandro Giambartolomei, I’m 26 years old and I live in Italy. I’m a graduate in Industrial and Environmental Design at University of Camerino and then I have specialized myself in Photography at Academy of Fine Arts in Macerata.
The photography is my real passion and I’m trying to make it my job.
My favourite space is the street and the documentary photography, I like to discover new human stories. I love to travel to new places with a bag pack and my camera. Indeed, I went to Poland to know the culture of this beautiful country. I arrived in Krakow one month and a half ago, with the main motivation to follow and work as a volunteer at the Photomonth Festival, but I’m working also at my personal portfolio. In my previous works I was taking pictures of all kinds of events like live music concerts, popular parties, weddings, art exhibitions, various performances – trying to put my point of view in each of the picture.
Similarly today, the photography, is an important and efficient communication medium; for me It’s much more direct than other media. In my pictures there are always people, because for me the society and the human relations are the most important point of my reflection. In my reportages, I prefer give the relevance to positive stories because when I take a picture I’m looking for the good part of the people’s nature. Effectively, in my final thesis at Academy of Fine Art I took a reportage about three groups of young people. They create a new way for their work, each one in his field, one group work with artistic performance, another with robotic teaching and the last with the recover of agriculture and tradition.
I conclude with one of my favourite quotes that describes why I’m looking for the positivity in my works:
„This is the way the world ends,
this is the way the world ends,
this is the way the world ends;
not with a bang but with a whimper.”
Best Regards
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